Friday 28 November 2014

Model 3: Props

This post is long over due because I forgot to add it but for this one, I was tasked to create and model different objects and then texture them using different methods. For this I have done small props, some chairs, a table and also a gas pump!

First came the small tools. These were difficult for me because it was my first time trying to model small props and keeping everything in proption and thinking ahead of how tall to make certain polygonal objects and what ones to make and in what order would be best.

It was also my first introduction into using Maya for texturing as I was using 3DS Max for the same thing at college. It was fairly similar and cannot decide which one I prefer more. Out of all the props that I had made, the prybar was the hardest because of its curves and how it had to be modelled. I made a couple of mistakes while I done it but I tried my best to stick to the tutorial and the reference I had for it. There are parts missing from these such as the notes I had taken to make them but I have them saved so I can see them at any time so if I ever get confused I can look at them for a reference.

Untextured Models

The texture sheet I had made to use for this

After the small props, I moved onto furniture and this proved to be a problem especially on the rounded chair because I was new to using some of the tools that I had to use and I made a few mistakes while doing it but in the same case as the prybar, I carried on and got the end result and I am also pleased with how it came out considering the problems I faced.

Lastly was the gas pump which on its own gave me quite some trouble but that was only the new method of texturing I was using called .psd networks which is very handy and useful for making changes to a texture and then quickly updating it in Maya and having more than one colour on a texture sheet and choosing what later the model will show.

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