Wednesday 5 November 2014

Layer Five: Halloween Work

This blog is a little late but here I am showing some of the work that I had done for a halloween assignment which was to create some form of halloween monster.
I opted for something that is more relatable, something that scares me. That being China Dolls and also Clowns. I wanted to try and find a way to mix the two together and make it effective. Below are the sketches, the mood board and then the final piece of the work:

Sketching the head was one of the first stages. I was practicing drawing heads the night before and thought, I should carry this on for the homework. I wanted to get the right pose and I opted for one at an angle, staring

Next was the mouth. I could have gone for a normal mouth but I also wanted to go sinister at the same time. I thought of large, open mouths as if laughing but then I thought of the Joker from Batman who has a very long grin (albeit painted on) and I thought that was a brilliant piece of inspriation, its sinister.

Poses were next on the list. Instead of going right into one pose, I thought how the character would look. As I was mixing dolls and clowns I wanted to have him holding the doll in his hand with some scissors in the other, going to cut the string so I thought of poses from Life Drawing where we drew the model in Zombie like poses. I was torn between number 1 and 3, ultimately chosing 3 after asking people what they thought worked and didn't. 3 is a crouching position.
This was the first draft of the clown after going through my mood board and then through some of the ideas I had drawn for the heads and pose. I am very pleased with this but as always, the clothes are the weakness which I need to work on

Here is the final piece of the clown, using techniques we used in class when working on a texture sheet (getting textures and then using layer effects and opacity to get it to fit on. I opted for bright colours as clowns are usually seen wearing bright colours (Stephen King's IT being a big influence here) and then adding a twist to it that came out quite well

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