Monday 24 November 2014

Layer Eight: TANK!

So, for this task, I was told I needed to create a tank or armoured vehicle using two point perspective. There are many times where I thought of doing a 'walker' like vehicle but after checking the brief, I sat back and wondered what else I could to.

I first started to search world war two tanks because those where the first that came to my head. Being someone who likes the history of WW2, this was going to be my theme. From tanks, I moved onto armoured trains and then half-tracks, mostly German ones because I like how they looked.

Above are the mood boards that I had put together to try and hlp me get a feel for the vehicle I was drawing, how it was going to look and how I should do it on the paper using this type of perspective which I am not yet used to and very rarely use it. Below are two drafts of what I have drawn and then then the final piece.

The first one is a half-track kind of vehicle. I could not get the wheels right at the front so I opted out the front wheels and then put in another track. The curved plate is to help it get through things like snow and for also crushing small objects in its way.

I am not overly pleased with it because it was hard to get the perpective right with the kind of vehicle it is.
The second one is my favourite and is what I used for the final piece. It is an armoured train with a turret on the top, the rest of the train going into the distance. This one didn't have 'tracks' like a tank but instead had wheels that of course, went on train tracks. The slits in the sides of the carriages are for troops to shoot out of and behind the turret are two MG Nests (one on either side). It's like a moving fortress all on its own.

To the sides of the main gun there are two smaller guns which are more faster firing but not as powerful or there might be the option to make them magnetic and all the way along so I can make a rail-gun. I could also change the top of the gun to make it more pose-able so I can have an artillery style gun to shoot large shells far distances.

I took these views into consideration and this is what I have for the final piece:

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