Tuesday 28 October 2014

Layer Four: Perspective

For this task, we needed to work using perspectives. For this one it is One Point perspective and I worked on a road like image which is below:

What I had then done was started to edit it in a digital image editing program. As I do not have a graphics tablet I had to do this with a mouse which is tough to use. I wanted to go for a desert feel with the work which is why I used yellows and shades of brown.

Monday 20 October 2014

Layer Three: Sci-Fi Projectile Weapons!

Now, weapons are not my strong point what to so ever. In fact they are one of my weak points and I am not afraid to admit that but here I think I had done quite a good job. Our task was to create a Sci-Fi Projectile weapon so that meant something that isn't lasers!

Below are imagwe that I had sourced from the internet to give me some inspiration and ideas:

 I chose to not just go for full on Sc-Fi but look at images of much older weapons because most, if not all, the weapins we use today for projectiles are based off old weapons hence the Kar 98K and the Lee Enfield, two Bolt Action rifles used during WW2 and sometime before then.

I wanted to create a difference of weapons so I made a sub-machine gun, a sniper rifle and a Light Machine Gun which are below and also the steps that I took to get to the final piece:


Tuesday 14 October 2014

Layer Two: Crustaceans!

For one of our tasks, we had to make some creatures based of crustaceans and then use a new technique we learned using silhouettes which means blocking out a character or creature in black and then working out the way the creature looks from that.

I looked at things like crabs, lobsters, clawfish and other small crustaceans to create a mood board and then start to create the creatures. 

 And below are the silhouettes of the creatures I had done followed buy some of the steps I took:

Saturday 11 October 2014

Layer One: Tentacles!

This blog will be primary for the work on my Visual Arts part of the first year here at University.
Almost every week, we are given a task to do at home and put on our blog and for this week, we were given the task to create some form of tentacle creature. It could be anything we wanted as long as it doesn't cross any boundaries and be 'cute' as well.

For this one, I have gone for a horror and sci-fi theme so below are my mood boards that helped me piece this together:

I went through many different things while looking through for some form of inspiration. A lot of things I looked at were alien looking and not actual sea creatures which is what most people would look at. For the main image, I drew inspiration from the serpent like creature on the top sheet known as Serris, a boss from the Metroid series. I took this and made it into a creature that looks like it has been long extinct and then drew some developmental stages like below:

 As I could not decide which one I enjoyed the look of the most, I began to work on all three of them and see which one would come out better, trying to keep to the tentacle feel as much as I can. These are only some of the creatures I have done. There is one more that looks like a 'mecha kraken' which is still unfinished. However below are the second drafts of the creatures above:

I personally like the second one the most because even though it looks like it can walk on its hind legs, it is only doing so as a threat. The creature itself is very much a sea creature that pulls its victims in with the tentacles on its back and abdomen and then devours them. In its third stage, it has evolved into something much like Godzilla but it still keeps that same premise of being a sea creature with tentacles for its weapons. As it is a first draft, I was thinking of changing the blackish parts coming off the body to blue to be the tentacles in the second draft.