Wednesday 3 December 2014

Model 5: The Temple (Part One)

For this specific work, we have been given the task of modelling a temple building over the course of two weeks as part of our assignment and record all of our progress on the blog so we can be seen working methodically and care. Below is the resource image that we have been given in order to make the model:

As I do not have to model the background, my focus is primarily the building. I had to break it down in my head to pieces so I can figure out what needs to go first.

And below is the start of the model. My main focus was the walls on the outside, the ground floor and then work my way up, the final part to be the structure in the middle, most likely a shrine of sorts as temples would usually have shrines in their complex.

The starts of the ground floor, the building being hollow as I only need to see the outside,
The roof has been added and some of the pillars of the room above have also been added 
I have now added the landing and the next stage is to add the pillars that support it

The shrine of the temple has been done, minus the roof which I am doing next

The roof of the shrine has been added and the other roofs of the temple have been altered to accommodate the look of the roof which is all around the rest of the temple.

been fixing the roof of the temple, adding some more detail to parts that I had made earlier. This shows that I have made the basic building blocks and then added to them.

Here I added the detailing to the building using mostly simple boxes, scaling them and then duplicating them. To make the indents in the walls for the windows, I created a box and then used the Boolean tool and then Union. I Then removed any edges I didn't need and then redid it again for the rest of the windows, repeating the process.
Here I added some of the spires to the roof of the shrine. This was done with a box on the base and then adding a sphere and extruding the top after removing the edges to just have one face and then went from there to extrude upwards and outwards several times.

Here is the decor under some of the roofs which was done with boxes and cylinders, just transformed respectively. Once this was done, I duplicated it around and put it in the required areas.

This is the finished version of the temple, all that remains is that it gets textured
In the next blog, I will be adding the textures and showing the process. This will be uploaded soon

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